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A Time for Transformation

Last year was tough on all of us. However, 2021 brings to light new hope and opportunities for us to transform into our best selves at our own pace. We would like to encourage you to be the change you want to see in yourself, whether it’s today, tomorrow, or over the rest of the year. You can start by setting small goals for yourself. This way, you can work bit by bit to achieve the change you want to see, one step at a time. After all, small steps lead to great change, and it’s important to celebrate each little achievement. And what is helpful for one person might not fit for you, so set your own goals as you figure out what you need. Keep in mind that stepping outside of your comfort zone can push you to heights you didn’t know you could reach, but do what feels right for you. It’s okay to go easy on yourself, too. Don’t be afraid to listen to your body and mind for what you need. Allow yourself time and space to rest, especially on bad days. You can accomplish a lot even without overworking yourself. If some days all you can accomplish is taking care of your mental and physical needs, that is enough. Give yourself some grace as you work towards your 2021 goals. Looking forward can be a great way to learn and can help you achieve your goals. Also, the more you do it, the easier it will be to move past tough days and grow. We encourage you to keep looking towards the future and listening to your mind and body, so that you can learn to transform your old ideas of working your hardest every day into simply doing what you can manage in a healthy way. Through the month of May, as we work on our transformation and growth, feel free to share your stories with us and others.

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