The folks over at Amplifier are hosting a contest for artists and visionaries alike to create inspiring posters to inform and empower the public to get vaccinated.
#Vaccinated is a global call to arms (literally), to make sure everyone gets a vaccine as quickly as possible, especially the most vulnerable, wherever they are in the world, making it harder for this virus to mutate into new variants.
Winners of this contest will have their posters distributed digitally and on every continent, where they are needed most as vaccinations make their way around the world.

This poster, created by Taryn Cozzy and Alex Vale, was submitted by our Executive Director Susie Dicker, and we need your help to vote it to the top! Check out our submission here!
Follow these simple instructions to give us a vote:
Go to the Amplifier website
Sign up to vote (takes less than a minute)
Click this link to our submission