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New Year, New Hopes

We did it - together.

We've made it through 2020 and January 2021. These last thirteen months stretched all of us in ways we could never have expected and, like you, the team at Drawn from Valor has found new ways to develop ourselves in the process. So with happy and **hope-full** hearts, we are kicking off our 2021 Newsletter Series celebrating the growth we accomplished in 2020 and the many good things to come in '21.

I am so proud of this mission and the way our team pulled together with our phenomenal, volunteer doctors and subject matter experts to ensure we were tracking in real-time the needs of kids and families in crisis to create content that made people feel safer and understood in a changing/confusing world. What did that look like?

  • Held over 10 live virtual drawing events with our animators and partner organizations nationwide

  • Launched Digital Care Card Series:

  • Accepted into Walt Disney Family Museum "Small World" virtual exhibit

  • Kara and the (Not So) Dire Beastie accepted into the American Public Health Association's Annual Conference/Film Festival

  • Reached over half a million people with our messages of hope, resources, and more through our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts

As we all move forward in this new year, we want you to get to know us better and join the conversation** in our mission to create free, science-backed resources that empower kids and families to take control of their health. Our award-winning digital and animated content focuses on topics that address anxiety tied to daily living, chronic medical and mental health issues, as well as the stressors associated with them.

We also want you to get to know us. All of us – from our behind-the-scenes team, animators, and subject matter experts to our characters created with your well-being in mind. So, read on to learn more about, well, me, in this month's Five Questions... And be sure to check out this month's connection topic. (Hint: You're not alone!)



1.) How did you get involved with DfV? I heard about the mission from Founder and Strategic Director Todd Silverstein. I joined because it combined my three loves: helping kids, animation, and supporting people through nonprofit work. 2.) What has been your favorite moment with DfV? I will always remember the kids at the Children with Diabetes conference the first time we publicly shared Kara and the (Not So) Dire Beastie, our animated series about type 1 diabetes. Their reaction was just so enthusiastic and great because they seemed to feel seen! It's literally why we do what we do; experiencing it was phenomenal. 3.) What was the hardest moment of 2020 for you at DfV? 2020 was hard for nonprofits everywhere. We had some really poignant and stressful months due to reorganization. To help my move through this time feel more centered, I really felt myself leaning into and living the DFV mental health tools we offer to the people we serve. I began to embody our values – focusing on self-care like using mindfulness techniques, exercising, talking to an empathic friend, connecting to my creativity, or sometimes speaking with a trusted health expert. It worked and gave me even greater insight to the profound value we provide and the need we answer. 4.) What was the best moment of 2020 for you at DfV? Our Adventure Castle animated short was the last project our original team did together. It was created in two months through a Herculean effort, considering all the other weekly COVID-19 and mental health content we were making and releasing at the time. Telling the team we won an award at the Reale Monthly Film festival for it a few months later was another example of hope in action. 5.) What are you looking forward to in 2021? I think you're going to love our 2021 projects! Our first one is redoing our website, followed by... Well. You'll just have to see! (But, I've shared a sneak peek of the website below.)



** What fills you with hope or makes you "hope-full" about February?** Drop us a line at or tag us with #hopefull @drawnfromvalor on social media!


P.S. Not feeling hope-full and need to know someone is on the other side of the line? You're not alone: CRISIS Textline: Text "Home" to 741741. Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-823-TALK (800-273-8255)


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